Ostara Ritual: Now It Begins!
Spring Equinox 2021
Spring Equinox Altar. © 2021 The Lilith Zone.
Transmissions from The Lilith Zone
©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | https://TheLilithzone.com
Ostara Ritual: Now It Begins!
Sun enters Aries on Saturday, March 20th, 2021 (at 5.38 am)
All times EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Welcome, Spring!
I don’t know about you, but it always feels like the Sun’s ingress into Aries is the REAL “new year” … when energies ignite, and the blood starts to rise. I can feel it in my veins …
Astrologically speaking, it IS the new year … Aries is the first sign on the zodiacal wheel, ruled by fiery Mars, when we can feel him forging ahead with enthusiasm and confidence: the trailblazer, explorer, and pioneer. Spring Equinox is also International Astrology Day, so kiss your favorite astrologer! (Actually, this IS a great time to book a reading … )
If the chart for this equinox is any indication, the coming season promises a chance to break down barriers and move in a new direction, releasing the limiting inner dialogue that keeps us from creating the life we crave.
I know we’ve all been feeling the dreamy and emotional energies of Pisces, especially since the last New Moon, with so many planets there for the last few weeks.
Venus will also be entering Aries this weekend, starting a new Venus cycle.
When Venus enters Aries Sunday morning at 10.16 am EDT, She will adding energy to the Sun in Aries forms an exact square with the Moon in Cancer at 10:40. As you may know, this is a very tense aspect … certainly not the best time for a ritual.
I would probably skip the Moon in Cancer if you want to work with the Aries energies coming in … Moon in Cancer is good for lunar workings in general, but the Sun/Moon square is not an energy you want to “capture” by doing a ritual. A great way to use the tension would be to do some deep spring cleaning, and purge unnecessary clutter and juju from your home and ritual space! That would make a clearing for the more positive vibes later in the week as we approach the Full Moon in Libra on March 28th.
What does the new Venus cycle mean for you?
This is the time to dream about Venusian themes of love, partnerships, artistry, and beauty … what are the ideals you want to embody.
The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th will be the culmination of the ritual … in the meantime, you can envision, dream, and do a preliminary ritual to get the energies ignited!
I recommend doing something today just before 2.14 pm EDT when the moon in Gemini trines Jupiter in Aquarius … or sometime later today during a solar or Jupiter hour.
(see https://www.lunarium.co.uk/planets/hours.jsp for planetary hours).
Otherwise, Tuesday evening (Moon in Leo) during a solar or Jupiter hour) would also hold positive energies for the preliminary ritual.
Spring Equinox: Ostara Ritual
ritual options:
a red candle (for Aries/Mars)
a bowl of water
a bowl of salt
incense or essential oil diffuser
seeds for planting
small pieces of paper
All you need is you, and the commitment to doing your part.
Write down your intention for the coming year, and focus on what you REALLY want, not on what others will tell you is “practical.” This is the time for the courage of your convictions, not “playing it safe.”
If you aren’t excited to the point of TINGLE, your goal is just not big enough.
Write what you want to create/embody this year, and hold the paper to your heart, as you speak out loud, making a vow to yourself and the cosmos to do your part in the manifestation of your goal.
Want to do more?
create an altar for the spring equinox, and light a red candle that you burn a little bit at a time over the next few days as you sit silently meditating on your goal … or dance, or journal as you think about or work on your goal! What feels right to you?
get some seeds that you will plant this year, and put your intentions into them, representing your goals for the coming year (to be planted on the full moon.)
decorate your altar with springtime flowers, “easter” type decorations … anything that feels like spring to you
make a “vision board”: a collage of your goal and what it represents for you. How will you feel once you have achieved it?
take a ritual bath before doing ritual, with salt, herbs, or essential oils
after three days of burning the candles and meditating, take the list of your intentions and bury them outside on the full moon, burying them under the seeds you blessed, and watch them grow with your garden
May the season bring you growth, prosperity, and inspiration!
Sign up for my newsletter (and forward this newsletter to friends who are in alignment with this info!) to receive the Full Moon in Libra ritual, the “release point” of the seeds you are planting this weekend!
Many Blessings to you and your path!
With love, Sarolta
©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | TheLilithZone.com
Sarolta has been a certified astrologer, experienced tarot card reader, and ordained Priestess for over 25 years. She has read thousands of charts and has worked with hundreds of clients from around the world.
She coaches clients to articulate their life's purpose, embrace their path with confidence, clarify the essence of who they are and what they want, and help them create a plan of action to create tangible results by combining astrology, ritual, and spiritual practice.
Consultations by appointment; visit Sarolta’s website at
http://TheLilithZone.com/consultations for more information!