Planetary Alchemy: Astrology News by Sarolta
"Lady Lilith," by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Delaware Art Museum.
Planetary Alchemy: Astrology News by Sarolta
New Moon in Aquarius: Embodying the Authentic Self
Monday, February 4th, 2019 (at 4.04 pm est - 15 deg 45’)
This New Moon in Aquarius gives us a burst of energy to implement a new way of being in the world.
What new insights did January bring for you?
The back-to-back eclipses last month have shaken things up, bringing surprising insights and unexpected changes. How has your world view been altered? Have you implemented changes in your life that reflect your newfound identity?
The eclipses of the last two years or so have been on Aquarius / Leo axis … so the areas in your chart that are affected by those two signs have undergone major shifts during this time.
The Blood Wolf Super Moon Lunar Eclipse of January 21st gave us a dramatic end to that cycle with the Lunar Eclipse in Leo!
Now, we can take a deep breath and focus on embodying the changes we know we must make to live our authenticity. What rigid structures or beliefs are you ready to challenge?
The Sun / Moon conjunction at 15 deg 45’ Aquarius is conjoined with Mercury, the planet that represents communication and the mental realm, as well as Black Moon Lilith, who invites us to embrace our shadow, and make peace with our authenticity and “dark side.”
What part of your psyche have you suppressed in order to “make nice”?
Both Mars and Jupiter are in supportive aspects to this New Moon.
Mars is currently in Aries, one of the signs He rules, so He is fully charged and ready to add courage and energy to the work you do now. Mars is in a sextile aspect to the new moon, a helpful aspect that can boost your courage and confidence to leap any hurdles that are in your way.
Jupiter is also in a favorable sign all year; in Sagittarius, one of the signs under His rule, He adds expansion, growth and good fortune to any ventures dedicated to His realm, and is also in a helpful sextile aspect to this New Moon.
With this New Moon sandwiched between Mars and Jupiter in signs they rule, you can plant seeds of intention this waxing cycle to EMBODY YOUR BAD SELF. Who would you be if you only dared? JUST ASK LILITH.
NOTE: As always, these forecasts are generalized for each of the twelve rising signs; for every individual the forecasts may be more or less favorable depending on one’s specific natal chart.
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Your planetary ruler, Mars, is in your sign through February 13th; this is an excellent time to network, make connections and expand your circle with the new moon in your eleventh house. Higher learning in all forms is highlighted for you this year, opening the door to new people, social contacts and provocative conversations.
You can perform a ritual next Thursday, February 7th, during a JUPITER hour to expand your opportunities and connections.
The planets in Aquarius are in your tenth house of career and public acclaim, and you can use your intuitive abilities now to brainstorm a new way to stand out from the crowd. What part of your persona needs to be expressed in the public arena?
You can do a ritual next Thursday, February 7th, during a SOLAR planetary hour, for career or honors, or during a JUPITER planetary hour, for expansion, growth and abundance.
Matters that are ruled by the ninth house - higher education, philosophy, travel, spiritual learning - are highlighted by the planets in Aquarius. What do you need to do to focus on creating the expansive opportunities of this house? Work on clearing all obstacles to those goals now and commit to doing what’s needed to take the next step.
You can perform a ritual next Thursday, January 7th, during a JUPITER hour for matters associated with the ninth house, asking for wisdom and insight regarding your goals. What new learning have you wanted to focus on to gain more mastery? Make a commitment to taking the first step now.
Opportunities for advancement or changes in career or public matters can be sought now, and can make a significant impression on your bottom line if you take this time to push yourself to knock on doors. Daily habits and spiritual practices can boost your influence through tuning you in to your super power.
You can perform a ritual next Sunday, February 10th, during a SOLAR planetary hour, for success, confidence, career advancement and honors.
This New Moon highlights your seventh house of relationships, business partnerships and marriage; what can bring increased communication and authenticity to partnerships or trusted relationships? Spiritual practices and creative ventures can bring a breath of fresh air to how you relate to others. What are you yearning to share or create?
You can perform a ritual next Friday, February 8th, during a VENUS hour, for creativity, harmony, and bonding.
Matters that are ruled by the sixth house are highlighted by the planets in Aquarius for those with VIRGO rising. This is the house of health, daily habits, and service; what changes do you want to implement in order to honor and nurture yourself? Taking care of the basics is the key to moving you into the realm of the exceptional.
You can perform a ritual next Sunday, February 10th, during a SOLAR hour, for vitality, success, and self-empowerment; or on Saturday, February 9th, during a SATURN hour, for discipline, mastery, and self-control.
Matters that are ruled by the fifth house - the house of creativity, sex, and pleasure - are highlighted for you now. How can you add more fun in your life?
Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want - communication is key, and partnerships can be passionate. Creative endeavors can bring them to their knees and put a gleam in your eye.
You can perform a ritual next Friday, February 8th, during a VENUS hour, for creative fulfillment, as well as those of the sexual / romantic variety.
You’ve been creating changes in your home environment, making comfort and nurturance a priority, and paying special attention to your dreams and intuition. Your answers are coming from deep within now; make sure you nurture that part of yourself that connects you to your flow through daily habits that strengthen your core self.
You can perform a ritual on Monday, February 11th during a LUNAR hour for stability, comfort and structure in your home environment, dream work, and psychic development.
With Jupiter in your sign all year, you know that this is a window of opportunity you don’t want to squander. This new moon highlights networking, creative adventure, and sharing a higher vision that you are ready to embody now. What truth are you ready to speak out loud?
You can perform a ritual on Wednesday, February 13th during a MERCURY hour for matters relating to eloquence, communication and learning new skills.
This waxing moon cycle you can focus on your values, assets, and bottom line; this is an excellent time to implement the new business plan or budgeting idea that will make a difference in the long run over the year. You can also find ways to free up more time for essential soul building by cutting out excess, so you can make your assets go further.
You can do a ritual next Sunday, February 10th, during a SOLAR planetary hour, for success, self-empowerment, and acclaim, or on Saturday, February 9th, during a SATURN hour, for discipline, mastery, and self-control.
After two years of having your identity transformed during the eclipse cycles, you are ready to just BE who you are, and implement what you’ve learned. You’ve shaken off the excess, and you are not about to hold back your power just to keep the status quo. It’s okay to speak your truth, and communicate your message from your newfound source.
You can do a ritual next Saturday, February 10th, during a SOLAR planetary hour, for success, self-empowerment, and acclaim, or on Wednesday, February 13th, during a MERCURY hour, for eloquence, communication, and networking.
This month you can take time to turn inward, preparing for the next new moon in your sign, PISCES. With your traditional planetary ruler, Jupiter, in your public sector all year, you can now brainstorm on what changes you will create that can also affect your bottom line. Flashes of intuition and prophetic dreams can give you the signs you need … pay special attention to your inner work this month and plant the seeds for new doors to open.
You can perform a ritual on Monday, February 11th during a LUNAR hour for insightful dreams, psychic development, and inner peace.
©2019. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay |
Sarolta has been a certified astrologer, experienced tarot card reader and ordained Priestess for over 25 years. She has read thousands of charts and has worked with hundreds of clients from around the world.
She coaches clients to articulate their life's purpose, embrace their path with confidence, clarify the essence of who they are and what they want, and help them create a plan of action to create tangible results by combining astrology, ritual, and spiritual practice.