New Moon in Aries: Vision + Valor
Friday, April 1st, 2022 (exact 2.24 am edt - 11 deg 30’ Aries)
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and the New Moon signals a fresh cycle of growth.
The new moon in Aries welcomes the START of the MAGICAL NEW YEAR!
Initiating. Planting Seeds. Writing a manifesto. Bold action. Creative and artistic trailblazing. Taking a chance. Making a pass. Building stamina and strength. Finding new ways to express your essence. A new spin on reframing what you know.
with FORECASTS + RITUALS for every sign
©2022. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay
Transmissions from The Lilith Zone:
Astrology, Magic, and Goddess Culture
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Kandinsky, V. (1926). Several Circles (Einige Kreise). image source
New Moon in Aries: Vision + Valor
Friday, April 1st, 2022 (exact 2.24 am edt - 11 deg 30’ Aries)
Welcome to the astrologically-energized launch of the new year!
The waxing phase that this new moon initiates signals the time for planting the seeds of your intentions.
This is a point of stillness, when we can sit with ourselves, listening to the deepest urgings within that inner sanctum.
Typically on the dark moon day, I am making offerings to the goddess Hekate, aligning with the energies that will be forthcoming during the waxing phase over the next the two weeks, culminating at the full moon.
I usually perform rituals of growth and increase at least a few days after the actual dark moon, when the moon is showing as a growing crescent.
This is why these rituals [shown below for all signs] aren’t scheduled for the exact new moon date … I recommend using the new moon to prepare your “inner sanctuary” through ritual clearing, offerings, creating sacred space, and deep meditation.
This is the time to meditate on what opportunities or challenges the next waxing phase is holding for you; what is your game plan? Journaling, divination, and trance work are especially revealing now.
If you don’t perform the rituals on the new moon, why is the new moon chart important?
The exact Sun/Moon conjunction chart is a snapshot of the energies of the entire waxing cycle, which starts at the new moon and culminates at the full moon.
NEW MOON in ARIES [Sun/Moon conjunction at 11 deg 31’]
Initiating. Planting Seeds. Writing a manifesto. Bold action. Creative and artistic trailblazing. Taking a chance. Making a pass. Building stamina and strength. Finding new ways to express your essence. A new spin on reframing what you know.
What we focus on now can color the rest of the growing cycle that we have just entered into.
The luminaries this month are joined by Mercury, the “Messenger Planet”, and the planetoid Chiron, all in the sign of Aries.
Mercury, the planet of communication, curiosity, and commerce is moving very quickly this month, and will only be in Aries from March 27th through April 10th. This is when you want to initiate new ideas and MAKE A MOVE when it comes to communicating them. You don’t have long to take advantage of this fiery way of expressing yourself!
Chiron, best known as “the wounded healer” conjoined the new moon in Aries, and we can deeply integrate the changes we are ready to create in our own lives, and take responsibility for agency and appropriate action to sow the seeds for that which we want to nurture.
The NEW MOON always heralds a new beginning: setting an intention for the waxing moon cycle, when each new moon cycle highlights a specific area for growth.
Where does the new moon fall in your personal chart (which house)?
The forecasts I’ve written for each sign include a special ritual for focus and manifestation: what goal are you ready to give special attention to, and what are you willing to do in order to bring that goal to fruition?
NOTE: As always, these forecasts are generalized for each of the twelve rising signs; for every individual the forecasts may be more or less favorable depending on one’s specific natal chart.
IF YOU KNOW YOUR RISING SIGN, READ THE FORECAST FOR THAT SIGN, since it is often more accurate that that of your Sun sign.
If you don’t know your rising sign, you can calculate it for free here:
For planetary hours calculator, visit:
The new moon in your sign is in your first house, representing your identity, self-image, and physical body. This is the best time all year for you to reimagine the self you project to the world, and make positive changes for putting your physical energy and health first. Your planetary ruler, Mars, is in a sextile aspect to all the planets in Aries, and ideas are flowing fast! Channel these energies by doing writing techniques that let you brainstorm, try new approaches, and make lists of the things you are excited to make happen. This aspect doesn’t last long, so don’t let it pass you by!
You can perform your ritual on Wednesday, April 6th, during a Mercury hour (sunrise is best), focusing on clarifying your goals for generating ideas, mental dexterity, writing, and gathering information. Light orange candles for Mercury, write down your goals and visions, and place them under the candle as you visualize your goals coming into form. So Mote It Be.
The new moon highlights your unconscious self, when you can prepare all month for the next new moon in your sign when you can celebrate your personal new year. You have also entered a phase where you can explore any traumas from the past and let them go … expect many changes this year! make sure, however, that any changes you are considering will pass muster with your higher philosophical ideals, otherwise you will need to change course later on.
You can perform your ritual on Friday, April 8th, during a Venus hour, since your planetary ruler, Venus, is in Her exaltation in Pisces. What creative ideas spark your imagination? What ideals stir your heart and higher vision? Make an altar to Venus, with emerald green candles and chocolate gifts, and write a poem dedicated to Her from your dreamiest center. So Mote It Be.
This new moon in Aries hits your eleventh house of friends, groups, and alliances; how can you make new contacts for networking and expanding your circle? Mercury, your planetary ruler, is also in the sign of Aries now. How can you make yourself more visible and accessible in the networking arena?
You can perform your ritual on Wednesday, (day of Mercury) April 6th, during a Mercury hour (sunrise always works); light an orange candle, and write your intentions down on a small piece of paper; place it under the candle. Meditate on the outcome of what you want to create; how can you expand your circle, and create new avenues for networking? Clarify your message, what you have to share, and visualize the outcome you desire. So Mote It Be..
The new moon in Aries is in your tenth house of career and public life; opportunities for advancement or changes in career or public matters can be sought now, and by reaching out to others you can take the next step in your career path. Philosophical and spiritual ideals can be studied as well, making your creative life richer in the long run.
You can perform your ritual on Sunday, April 10th during a Solar hour (sunrise always works); light gold or yellow candles for the Sun and envision your inner sun glowing brightly in your solar plexus, and focus on clarity, strength, and personal empowerment. Write down what you want to create, and place it under the candle. So Mote It Be.
This new moon highlights your ninth house of higher learning and philosophy, Leo, and you can feel moved to go to deeper levels of meditation and spiritual practice over the next few weeks; where do you need to go DEEPER in order to access your true power? According to ancient astrological practices, the ninth house is where the Sun (your planetary ruler) finds its “joy.”
You can perform your ritual on Thursday (day of Jupiter), April 7th, at sunrise; your planetary ruler, the Sun, will form an especially positive aspect with Jupiter that afternoon, on the day of Jupiter. Light royal blue or purple candles, offer some bourbon and an Orphic hymn to Zeus, and ask Him for His blessing for all matters of growth and expansion, in spiritual, intellectual, and practical arenas. So Mote It Be.
Practical matters are highlighted for you this cycle, Virgo; partnerships and shared assets are in the spotlight now, and you can use the current planetary energies to make shrewd decisions and plan for ways to expand your bottom line with the help of others, if need be. Do you need a loan, or want to find a way to pay one off faster? This lunation is about creating ideas as well as artistic expression.
Perform your ritual on Wednesday April 13th, the planetary day of Mercury, your sign’s ruler, during a Mercury hour (sunrise always works), plus the moon is in Virgo that day! What ideas could use the help of others in order to make them real? Light an orange candle for Mercury, give an offering of Lavender and a bowl of water, and write down all the ways you will expand your ideas and vision. So Mote It Be.
This new moon is in your seventh house of relationships, Libra … are you thinking differently about how you relate to others? Do you have a newer “relationship model” in mind? Are you feeling like there is a “breath of fresh air” within your most important relationships?
You can perform your ritual on Friday (day of Venus, your sign’s ruler), April 15th during a Venus hour; the moon is in Libra that day, too! Light an emerald green candle on your Venus altar, and ask for clarity and truth. Venus asks if you are choosing relationships that are joyful and creative … what will it take to honor the highest aspect of love in your life? If you are hoping to attract a new love interest, this is also the time for that! Write down your intentions, and ask Venus for Her blessing; then meditate on how it feels to be standing firmly in your personal power. You’ve got this. So Mote It Be.
The new moon in Aries is in your sixth house of health, routine, and daily practices, Scorpio; what changes can you make in your daily routine to add to your overall wellness and spiritual balance? What structure can you add to your work routine to make your efforts more effective? Are there habits you want to remove or add to your day-to-day reality that can build stamina, confidence, and strength?
You can do your ritual on Saturday, April 9th during a Saturn hour (for structure and discipline); what habit or practice do you want to add to your life that will make all the difference? We all have at least one thing we just know will make our lives better. Light a black or indigo candle (for Saturn), and write down your intentions. Start with that one thing, and make a vow to yourself to make your health and well-being the highest priority in your life. So Mote It Be.
The Aries new moon is in your fifth house, Sagittarius, the house that rules artistry, creativity, romance, sexuality … and all matters of FUN! How can you free up more time for the things that make your heart sing? Now is the time to make your intentions official on how you plan to make that vision a reality.
You can do your ritual on Friday (day of Venus), April 15th during a Venus hour; do you have a creative venture that you are inspired to bring to the world? Is romance on your mind? What is your heart’s desire? Light emerald green candles to Venus, give offerings of roses and chocolates, or wine, and ask Her for Her blessing… This new moon in a FIRE sign will ignite you in all the best ways! So Mote It Be.
This new moon in Aries is in your fourth house of home, family, and things coming to fruition; do you have a project or goal that just needs to be finished up and put to rest? This is the month to play catch up after so many delays; what are the goals you want to accomplish for the next several months? This could be marking a time for a new home or at least a mini-makeover; making your environment a reflection of your inner changes will make all the difference for you now.
You can do your ritual on Monday (day of Luna), April 11th during a lunar hour (sunrise always works), focusing on self-care, creating a nurturing environment, prophetic dreams, and psychic development. Light a white candle and ask that you remember your dreams; leave a notebook on your nightstand, and remember to write your dreams down as soon as you awaken. You can also write down what nurturing aspects you want to create in your world; ask Luna for Her help in creating your ideal abode. So Mote It Be.
The Aries new moon is in your third house of communication and learning, Aquarius, and you can focus now on eloquence, networking, or learning new ways to market your side gig. This is a time when you can use your words to enter new territory, explore new worlds and make new contacts.
You can do your ritual on Wednesday (day of Mercury), April 6th, during a Mercury hour (sunrise always works), imagining new ways to expand your mind and hone your craft. Light an orange candle, make offerings of lavender, and speak to Mercury on eloquence, and write Him a petition, placing it under the candle. Making a commitment to write daily in an unstructured format is a good way to honor your unconscious mind, giving it free rein to explore, unbridled. So Mote It Be.
The Aries new moon is in your second house of values and finances, Pisces; what ideas do you have to make yourself more secure with the resources you have? Can you find ways to either invest what you have, or keep more of it? This is a good time for you to reassess how you spend and where … is there something you value that you’d like to save for? Do you need added income or new ideas to expand your bottom line?
You can perform your ritual on Thursday (day of Jupiter) April 14th, during a Jupiter hour (sunrise is best today), and imagine expanding your assets and attracting abundance. How would you like to experience growth? Make an altar for Jupiter with a royal blue candle, some excellent bourbon, a bowl of water and incense, and write down your ideas and commitment to bringing more prosperity into your life. So Mote It Be.
©2022. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | The Lilith
Your personal path is unique.
Your birth chart tells the story.
Through my work, I give you shortcuts to finding the most amazing *astrologically auspicious* times to work on your wishes, dreams, and goals, in order to generate maximum impact.
I take an interdisciplinary approach to astrology and magic.
The poetry of the astrological chart tells the story of the archetypal journey that pulls you deep within the personal myth that every soul embodies.
Your personal path is unique. Your birth chart tells the story.
As a practitioner of the healing arts, I believe we are imprinted by our experiences.
There are BODY practices that aid us in integrating those experiences more consciously, through re-framing the way we perceive the power that those past experiences have over us.
My passion is helping you see the divinity in your chart, and in your life. Let’s make some magic together!