Imbolc Ritual for Initiation, Creativity, Poetry, and Healing

Traditional date: February 1-2, 2022
Astrologically exact February 3rd, 2022 @ 4.02 pm est
©2022. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | The Lilith

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Many Blessings of Imbolc, Dear Friends & Dreamers!

I hope you enjoy this ritual that blends the current astrological energies with traditional Imbolc ritual symbolism. 

Please think of this article as inspiration, since you don’t need all of the tools or items listed for a heartfelt ritual! 

My hope is that these ideas will spark your imagination to find what works for you to make a personal connection to the energies associated with this sacred time of year. 

May inspiration flow! 

I wish for you what you wish for yourself, your loved ones, and the global community.

Much love, and Many Blessings,


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Every planetary alignment holds an opportunity for growth and expanded awareness, containing symbolism that can be universally shared and understood.

By meditating on current planetary themes, we can tune in to the archetypal energies inherent therein, gaining a deeper understanding of our own personal myth, integrating the planetary energies experientially through personalized ritual.

A note on the Sabbats:
Sabbat rituals are seasonal, So exact timing is not necessary; it is possible to perform the ritual usually a week or so after the traditional date of the Sabbat. The cross-quarter holidays occur when the Sun is at the midpoint degree [15 degrees] of the fixed signs [Imbolc: Aquarius, Betaine: Taurus, Lammas: Leo, and Samhain: Scorpio]vand are often astrologically exact several days after the “traditional” date. For this reason, many magical practitioners perform their rituals when the Sun is at 15 degrees of that sign. 

Imbolc Ritual for Initiation, Creativity, Poetry, and Healing

Traditional date: February 1-2, 2022
Astrologically exact February 3rd, 2022 @ 4.02 pm est

©2022. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | The Lilith

Imbolc represents the “waxing light of the soul,” when the growing cycle gains momentum; this is why it is the chosen time to welcome initiates to the ways of The Goddess.

Imbolc is also known as “The Feast of Brigid”, dedicated to the Goddess of fire, inspiration, the Irish triple goddess of poetry, smithcraft, and healing.

Imbolc translates to “in the belly”, when the magical seeds we planted at the Winter Solstice [the beginning of the waxing cycle of the year] are now beginning to awaken and stir into life, getting ready to be born at the Spring Equinox [Ostara], when Persephone returns from the Underworld and is reunited with her mother, Demeter, bringing fertility and warmth to the land once again. 

Imbolc Herbal Lore
invocation of Deities and spirits; use pure oil as a base for anointing oils. 
Angelica: “Bringer of Light”; protection, abundance, self-blessing.
Basil: initiation, good fortune; use to clean floors for house blessing.
Benzoin: focus, concentration, meditation, serenity, astral work.
Heather: love, initiation, spiritual unfolding, immortality. 
heightens the perception of the energy flows between the worlds
Pine: cleansing, transformation, conviction, reversible. 
Willow: immortality, eloquence, wands

Ritual Bath: almond oil, angelica, basil, heather
Place any of the herbs in cheesecloth and tie well; run under tap. You can also make a strong tea (infusion) from the herbs, and strain into bath. Light white candles anointed with your chosen oil or herbal infusion, and imagine a golden glow surrounding you in your bath. As you bathe in the herbs, breathe deeply; breathe in imagine what the year will bring, and breathe out any random thoughts or obstacles that distract you from your focus. After your bath, bring your candle(s) with you to your circle, and place on your altar or at the quarters. 

The Altar
Decorate with white candles; fill a bowl with earth, and place a white candle in the center. If you have any pine needles saved from Yule you can burn them in a cauldron or add them to your incense. 

Include something to represent the four elements: incense or a bell for the AIR element (yellow candle in the east); a red stone or wand for the FIRE element (red candle in the south); a bowl of water for WATER (blue candle in the west); and salt, or crystals for the EARTH element (green candle in the north).

Cast a circle, call in the quarters, and call upon Brigid, and the element of fire. Fire transforms, inspires, generates creativity, and heightens energy. 

Angelica, Basil, Benzoin, Myrrh, or Pine. Bring any of the ingredients into your ritual circle and add each herb, one at a time, while grinding by hand with a mortar and pestle, focusing on the properties of each herb as it is added. Consecrate your incense by dedicating it to Brigid, Goddess of Initiation and Creativity, and charge it with your intent. When the incense is prepared, burn some on charcoal as you focus on your goal.

You will need three candles: electric blue, royal blue, and red (or you can use all white candles and visualize the colors, or add the colors to your ritual in other ways.)

The electric blue candle represents the sign of Aquarius, and the visible planets that are now in that sign (Sun, Saturn, and the asteroid Juno.) What structures in your life are you ready to reform? What futuristic ideals are you ready to embrace? What are you ready to let go of? Take a small piece of paper and write your intention, as a poem or creative piece, and place it under your candle, focusing on your intention as you light your candle, and affirm your commitment by saying “so it is” or “so mote it be”, or whatever feels right for you!

The royal blue candle represents Jupiter in Pisces, one of the signs under Jupiter’s rulership. Jupiter energy is about higher truth, expanded vision, as well as bounty, generosity, and can bring luck and expansion to all that you aspire to. Today’s energies also have the Moon there, and I invite you to follow the moon and honor Jupiter whenever the Moon is in Pisces from now through May. With Neptune also in Pisces, the energy of the Moon-Jupiter-Neptune co-presence is one of boundless compassion, generosity, positive spirituality, and higher vision. How would you like to focus these powerful energies for spiritual and creative renewal? Write your intention as before and place it under your candle. 

The red candle represents Mars in Capricorn, a sign that Mars is exalted in (meaning that you can take a practical and systematic approach to really getting things done that will have a long-term benefit. What vision are you willing to give your ALL that needs an extra dose of OOMPH? Write your vision as before and place it under your candle. 

Allow the candles to burn as you continue to meditate and focus on your intention. The ritual is complete when you feel that your message has been received and you feel a shift in energy. 

When you are finished, you can burn each piece of paper as you release your spells to the wind and elemental spirits. Thank the nature spirits, deities, and elementals, and close your circle, allowing the candles to burn all the way down, or instead, burn them for a little while for the next three days, burning the papers on the third day. 

Make sure you ground your energies after your ritual by eating some small cakes that have been blessed during ritual, or make a meal that you dedicate to the Brigid and share it with Her. 

So Mote it Be. Many Blessings to you this Imbolc!

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- excerpted and edited from “Magical Astrology Guide for the Year 2004: Candle Meditations and Seasonal Rituals for the Magical Practitioner” by Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay.

Learn More about the Goddess Brigid

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