Full Moon in Aquarius: Purified Vision
Friday, July 23rd, 2021


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Full Moon in Aquarius: Purified Vision

Transmissions from The Lilith Zone:
Astrology, Magic, and Goddess Culture

©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay
https://thelilithzone.com  |  https://patreon.com/astromagic

Full Moon in Aquarius: Purified Vision
exact Friday, July 23rd, 2021  [at 10.37 pm edt - 01 deg 26’]

As I look at this Full moon chart, I’m struck by the starkness of the Moon being sandwiched between Saturn, the planet of obstacles and discipline [at 10 deg 52’ Aquarius], and Pluto, the planet of catharsis and upheaval [at 25 deg 25’ Capricorn.]

This chart tells me that there are things you know, in your gut, that you have outgrown.  There is no way to fight it any longer.

We can use this opportunity to liberate ourselves of a burden that is no longer in resonance with “the real” self.  Sever the tie.  Dream bigger, truer.

Mercury in Cancer has captured our dreams and desires. 

[In an applying trine to Neptune] we can drift in the tides of the watery dream realm, to inspire our reach, and allow ourselves to “try on” that reality.  What have we been fighting for too long?  Imagining the peace that follows surrender, we can now trust what really brings beauty and value.  It is time to reimagine a new reality … first on the inner realms, to then inspire how to bring our environment into alignment.  

How do I purify my vision? 

This vision is critical to initiate a level of healing that is possible now. 

[With the Moon in an applying sextile to Chiron] we have the courage to follow the impulse of what we are feeling since nothing makes more sense right now than to take the risk to be our most authentic selves.  

There is no going back.  We need to ask ourselves the hard questions about our true purpose in life and challenge all illusions.  

We can foster the fortitude to endure the coming changes by being centered in our truth.

We can then trust that our internal compass will help us ride the shifting sands. 

[With the Moon in applying conjunction to Saturn] we know where we need discipline, structure, and patience.  

These times call for strong values. Saturn in Aquarius speaks to deep structural changes to systems that are not in alignment with the futuristic vision that is the Aquarian domain.  What are you willing to fight for?

This chart also shows [the Moon in applying square to Uranus] that emotionally, you can’t go back.  What you feel, dream, and experience … will not go away.  

You can’t pretend it didn’t happen.  If you try to fight it, you will be fighting for a long time.  

You know what you need. Decide. Trust. But .. be strategic. 

Ritual for the Full Moon in Aquarius

Prepare an altar, with:

  • a bowl of water [water element]

  • a bowl of salt, a stone, or a crystal [earth element]

  • incense, essential oil diffuser, or a feather [air element]

  • a candle, or a fire [fire element]

  • a notebook and a pen

  1. Go outside and stand under the full moon.

  2. Tell Her what is in your heart … what you are committed to … and what you are ready to let go of.

  3. Breathe deeply, letting yourself get into a deep, meditative state.

  4. If you have specific spiritual practices, you know what to do!

  5. If you don’t, ask yourself: “what is sacred to me? what would make me feel more connected to what I want to know?”

  6. Write about what you experience in a personal journal that is dedicated to your spiritual growth [a magical diary]

  7. Celebrate the full moon by dancing and cavorting in her beams!

  8. Trust your instincts! Spiritual practice is individual. Speak to your spirit guides. Trust your process.

  9. Think about the astrological aspects I wrote about. Write when what it brings up for you. What would you like to commit to in the coming months and years?

I send many blessings to you on your path to finding whatever you are looking for.

So Mote it Be. <3

Cosmically Yours! 

Love, Sarolta

©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | The Lilith Zone
https://thelilithzone.com | https://patreon.com/astromagic

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