About Sarolta

Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay
The Lilith Zone: Astrology, Magic, and Goddess Culture

Certified Astrologer
Spirit Healing Sessions
Tarot, Magic, and The Divine Feminine

Sarolta has been studying the magical arts since the age of twelve, and has been a practicing astrologer, tarot reader, and ordained Priestess for over 25 years.  

She has a background in community service, counseling, trauma informed care, motivational interviewing, and resilience [CRM] training.

Sarolta supports clients in reaching their goals by utilizing a holistic approach, honoring the soul’s purpose while creating a practical plan to achieve tangible results.  

Astrology is a sacred practice of remembering who we really are, awakening the soul to its innate divinity, in order to experience the sacredness of our human existence more ecstatically, living life as a walking meditation.

Sarolta’s approach to astrology is aligned with the ancient philosophies of Platonism, Hermeticism, and Yoga.

Astrology shows there is a time and a season for everything, and assists us in moving in a more harmonious alignment with our personal planetary cycles. 

She has studied with various practitioners in the spiritual and healing arts, and works with a variety of modalities including breathwork, shamanic techniques, Reiki, pressure points, essential oils, incense, rituals, and spirit work.

Classes coming soon in working magically with the planetary cycles, candle magic, magical incenses and oils, and more.

She creates ritual oils, incenses, baths, and other ritual supplies, and is a student of alchemy, shamanic healing, and plant magic. She has facilitated group rituals and has led many classes since 1993.

She coaches clients to articulate their life's purpose, in order to embrace their path with confidence, to clarify the essence of who they are and what they want, and to create a plan of action that brings tangible results.

Sarolta was the first astrologer to provide mobile audio horoscope for cellular phones, when she wrote and recorded daily horoscopes for all  twelve signs for Nextel - from 2004-2006. 

A note from Sarolta:
I began my lifelong study of metaphysics in childhood, reading tarot and I Ching at twelve years of age, naturally progressing to astrology and holistic healing.

I'm a certified research astrologer (through NCGR - National Council for Geocosmic Research at geocosmic.org ) and ordained Priestess of Sekhmet, Isis, and Hathor, ordained by Olivia Robertson, co-founder of The Fellowship of Isis, an ecumenical fellowship that reveres the Goddess of all cultures, Isis of Ten Thousand Names. (https://sites.google.com/site/fellowshipofisiscentral/ ).

I was trained in shamanistic healing techniques in the late 1980s, and combine those techniques with Shiatsu, Reiki, and breathwork to help my clients release old patterns and emotional imbalances. I also use gemstones, oils and ritual to aid in personal healing and growth.

I make incense, oils, magical baths and ritual supplies made at the appropriate astrological planetary moment and provide individualized coaching for attuning to your innate wisdom.

I support you in being your own best teacher.

 I have been initiated in The Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. My Tibetan name given to me at the time of my initiation translates to "Lotus of Compassion".

I left the astrology community for a few years as I pursued a degree in human services and counseling psychology (2012-2017). 

Current studies include many online courses in various schools of ritual magic, lunar herbalism, specific astrological techniques, magical incense and oils, planetary remediation, and shamanic practices of ritual and healing.

I am currently in the first year program in Hellenistic Astrology with Acyuta-bhava Das of Nightlight Astrology; this course of study is focused on making astrology a sacred practice. It is a 2-year certification program in the ancient astrological techniques from texts written in 200 CE that were only translated within the last few decades by Project Hindsight. This approach to astrology is aligned with the Platonism, Hermeticism, and Yoga.

“A birth chart is a picture of our material karma. By studying and contemplating our lives in relation to the planets, we begin to see divinity and our lives become a moving meditation.” - Acyuta-bhava Das

I bring myself to the table, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Love, Sarolta