Full Moon in Libra: Preparing the Soil


Transmissions from The Lilith Zone
©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | The Lilith Zone.com

Full Moon in Libra: Preparing the Soil
Sunday, March 28th, 2021 (exact 2.48 pm est - 08 deg 18’)

Happy Full Moon, Dear Ones!
I hope that Aries season is off to a great start for you all.

While I was meditating on the meaning of this Full Moon in Libra, I saw an image of “Preparing the Soil.”

What do I mean by this? 

As the energy builds, there is great potential for growth, and the impetus for moving forward is high. On the other hand, there is a lot of scattered, frenetic energy presently that needs to be harnessed and grounded. Without discipline and a solid PLAN, we are in danger of wasting the potential initiatory energies of the first decan (10 degrees) of the first sign of the year! 

By “preparing the soil”, you have a greater potential for your “seeds” to take root and flourish. In this article, I will explain the planetary energies that are present, and how you can utilize them in order to get focused on your most important goals. 

Today’s Full Moon in Libra opposes the Sun in Aries, representing the height of the waxing lunar cycle. A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly opposite each other by sign, representing the symbolic POLARITY that the opposing signs represent.

The Aries / Libra polarity represents:
personal interests vs. joint interests
personal identity vs. relating
selfishness vs. sharing
asserting yourself vs. compromise
charging ahead vs. maintaining balance

This Full Moon illustrates the planetary themes of VENUS and MARS; the Sun is in the fire sign of Aries, which is ruled by the planet Mars. The Moon is now in the air sign of Libra, which is ruled by the planet Venus.

The Sun at 8 degrees Aries is closely conjoined Chiron and Venus, both at 8 degrees, and Ceres at 13 degrees. This configuration asks us to let go of what ails us, with a new start in healing the deepest wounds (Chiron) within ourselves (Sun), our relations (Venus) with nurturance and nourishment (Ceres). This stellium of Sun, Venus and Chiron are in the first decan of Aries, which is symbolized by bold action, dominion, and conquest.

Here is an interesting article on the decans in astrology and how they correlate to the tarot.

This lunation is about bringing balance (Libra) to the assertive energies of Aries season; the moon is forming a grand trine with Mars and Saturn, the two planets that are traditionally known as “malefics”. Since they are in a positive aspect (trine), there is a potential opportunity to use the patience and discipline of Saturn and the drive and energy of Mars to accomplish much. 

Notice I used the word “potential” … with Mars in the sign of Gemini conjunct the North Node, the tendency is to hungrily go for ALL the goals at once, doing a little here and there, but not truly getting much done in the long run.
SATURN is realistic … what can you actually accomplish? Write down the steps to take, and put them on your schedule. Apply the intensity of MARS in a balanced way … and write down what this looks like!

Last week I posted an article on the Spring Equinox / Ostara, where you started a ritual for what you wanted to focus on this season. All week the Aries energy is building … and this weekend’s Full Moon energies are potentially a powerful release point for your magical workings!

If you didn’t start your ritual yet, no worries … you still have time to utilize the initiating energies of the Spring Equinox and Aries ingress for your “Great Work."
Read the Ostara ritual here:

- You can do the ritual anytime today … Sunday is a SOLAR day, which symbolizes success, self-empowerment, and sovereignty. (at the link below you can look at the planetary hours calculator to find which planetary hour you’d like to use for your location. If you click on the planet you can see what energies ir can add to your ritual).
For planetary hours calculator, visit:
Make sure to change the location of the planetary calculator to the closest point of your current location (not all cities are listed).

- What is your BIG goal for the coming season?
- Write out your goal (petition) and be detailed with exactly how much time you will dedicate to your plan, breaking it down and scheduling the steps it will take to accomplish your goal. 

-Place it under the candle as it burns down. When the candle burns all the way down, bury your petition with the seeds you blessed in your garden or in a pot indoors. If you are not using seeds you can burn your petition and allow the wind to take it, or you can use it as a charm and keep it on a special solar altar that you tend every Sunday at sunrise until your goal has come to pass. So Mote it Be.

Many Blessings to you this Full Moon!

Love, Sarolta

©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | The Lilith Zone.com
Sarolta has been reading astrology charts, tarot cards, and teaching classes on the magical arts for over 25 years. She has read thousands of charts and has worked with hundreds of clients from around the world. 

She coaches clients to articulate their life's purpose, embrace their path with confidence, clarify the essence of who they are and what they want, and help them create a plan of action to create tangible results by combining astrology, ritual, and spiritual practice.

Consultations by appointment; visit Sarolta’s website at
http://TheLilithZone.com for more information!