Planetary Alchemy: Astrology News by Sarolta
NEW! Candle Magic / Full Blue Moon in Libra
Friday, April 19th, 2019 (at 7.12 am edt - 29 deg 07’)
©2019 Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay |
Image ©Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay /
What’s new …
In today’s issue:
- what’s new
- full moon forecast: Full Blue Moon in Libra
- planetary candle magic
What’s NEW this week …
I know you all feel it … change is in the air. What NEW projects are you working on, or are getting ready to implement?
I’m hoping my new offering will help you get clearer: on your goals, and on your vision for the future you know you can create.
These candle magic rituals are based on daily planetary energies, and how they can be utilized for magical intent.
I originally started writing these almost 20 years ago when I first published my Magical Astrology Guide, 1999-2004.
Today’s issue of the newsletter will feature a few days worth of candle magic …
If you would like to get these in advance so you can plan ahead, make sure to subscribe to my newsletter on the website at (if you are reading this in your email you are already subscribed, and you don’t need to do a thing!)
I am on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, too … links are on my website at the bottom of the page:
Let me know what you think about these! Post on the social media sites, or email me at …
I want to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your support!
If you value this work, please share with others who might enjoy it.
Many Blessings of the Full Moon in Libra!
Love, Sarolta
Full Blue Moon in Libra: Turning Point
Friday, April 19th, 2019 (at 7.12 am edt - 29 deg 07’)
Today’s Full Moon is in Libra, opposite the Sun in Aries at 29 degrees 07’.
Astrologers call the 29th degree of any planetary placement the anaretic degree, symbolizing a feeling of urgency, a “turning point” moment, when we can choose our destiny … or allow fate to have its way with us.
This is a blue moon, since it is the second full moon in the sign of Libra this cycle (the previous full moon in Libra was on March 20th at 00 deg o9’).
What was significant for you at the last full moon, which happened to be on the spring equinox?
For the last full moon I posted a spring equinox ritual for you to perform … what have you learned since then?
During the next waning moon cycle you can work on releasing the barriers to achieving your destiny, one small step at a time.
Full moon in Libra is about bringing our lives into balance, and it should be feeling pretty clear to us now that there are too many things sapping us of our vitality. How can we bring our lives into balance?
With the Sun conjunct Uranus we can find the courage to let go of the expectations of others, creating healthy boundaries and learning to say “no”. We may have to cut out some toxic relationships that are sapping us, disempowering us, or holding us back from the new vision of our lives we see shining ahead.
With Jupiter and the Sun in a fire trine we can follow our vision, empower ourselves, expand our idea of what we deserve, and hold ourselves to a higher ideal.
With Mercury, Chiron and Vesta conjunct in Aries you can FEEL what you are dedicated to, what destiny you want to create, and can find the courage within to do what it takes to bring this vision into form.
With Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node conjunct in Capricorn we know what hard work we must do to tackle the barriers we face. What is truly important? Are you willing to let some old identities go? What are you willing to commit to in order to live a life that embodies your true ideal?
Full Moon in Libra Candle Magic
Though the full moon was technically exact at at 7.12 am edt today, I chose to use a Venus planetary hour, since Libra is ruled by Venus, and today is Friday, ruled by Venus.
What you will need:
Green or pink candle (when you don’t have the corresponding colored candle, white will always work)
Venus oil
bowl of water
a stone or bowl of salt
small piece of paper, pen
magical diary
Light your incense.
Write down what you would like to focus on during this ritual … what did the full moon article trigger in you? What part of the full moon symbolism hit you as authentic to YOU? Write it down, but best to focus on one specific thing rather than several at once. If you can think of one word or phrase that embodies the essence of what you are working on, create a phrase you can repeat while you do your ritual.
Hold the candle in your hands, while thinking about the intention of your ritual, and FEEL it in your heart center … what is setting your heart afire? I have said this before …
If you aren’t excited to the point of TINGLE, your goal is just not big enough.
If you have Venus oil, anoint your candle with it as you chant your phrase.
When you feel your candle is ready, place it one your altar and light it.
Meditate as your candle burns. You can ask for wisdom or guidance, charge magical objects, or any number of things when you are in sacred space.
You can allow your candle to burn all the way down, or perform the rituals for three days in a row, always during the Venus hour, letting the candle burn all the way down on the third day.
After your ritual, record everything you can in your magical diary, including date, time, what was on your altar, what you wrote on your note, what you felt, revelations you had, etc.
When you are finished with your ritual you can take the magical phrase that you placed under your candle and wear it like a good luck charm, bury it in a special place for it to grow, or burn it to release it to the spirit realm.
To find today’s Venus hour, visit and make sure to change the location to your current one. I bookmark this page for easy access … there is a lot of information on planetary hours for those of you who are new to the concept.
From the website: “Note that a Planetary Day starts at the moment of sunrise on the given date in the selected location and ends with the next sunrise in this location. So Planetary Days do not coincide with the common calendar days.”
Image ©Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay |
Hekate altar. Image © Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay |
Planetary Candle Magic
©2019 Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay |
All times EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Friday, April 19th, 2019
7.47 pm
Mercury / Chiron conjunction in Aries (at 03 deg 28’)
red candles for Aries
waning moon: releasing obstacles and barriers
meditation: changing negative thought patterns; healing deep wounds; how our
thoughts wound us; courage to release old patterns; courage to remove toxic people or other influences from our lives
Saturday, April 20th, 2019
Saturn hour, Saturn day
Moon in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn 7.21 pm
Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Scorpio 11.59 pm
black or dark blue candles for Saturn
waning moon: releasing obstacles and barriers
meditation: doing the deep work of transmuting psychological obstacles; turning shit into fertilizer; reversing karmic/ancestral conditioning; building psychic muscle through embracing hard truths
Sunday, April 21st, 2019
Solar hour, Solar day
Moon in Sagittarius trine Venus, Chiron and Mercury in fire signs
gold, yellow or orange candles for the Sun
or red candles for the fire element
waning moon: releasing obstacles and barriers
meditation: speaking your truth; courage to love; embracing higher vision; burning away the dross; transmutation; courage and independence
Monday, April 22nd, 2019
7.06 pm
Sun / Uranus conjunction in Taurus (02 deg 31’)
green candles for Taurus
waning moon: releasing obstacles and barriers
meditation: personal freedom; self-sufficiency; radical, futuristic, humanitarian ideals; the practicality of social justice; futuristic ideals = long-term security; downsizing possessions; futuristic home/personal makeover
©2019. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay |
All rights reserved. This content may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of the author.
Sarolta has been a certified astrologer, experienced tarot card reader and ordained Priestess for over 25 years. She has read thousands of charts and has worked with hundreds of clients from around the world.
She coaches clients to articulate their life's purpose, embrace their path with confidence, clarify the essence of who they are and what they want, and help them create a plan of action to create tangible results by combining astrology, ritual, and spiritual practice.