New Moon in Aquarius: A Conference of Planets
Thursday, February 11th, 2021 - exact 2.06 pm est at 23 deg 17’
©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | The Lilith
Design for Mozart’s The Magic Flute: The Hall of Stars in the Palace of the Queen of the Night, Act 1, Scene 6.
Aquatint printed in colour and hand coloured, print by Karl Friedrich Thiele, after Karl Friedrich Schinkel’s original production designs from 1816, 1847–49 – The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Buy it here.
New Moon in Aquarius: A Conference of Planets
Thursday, February 11th, 2021 (at 2.06 pm est - 23 deg 17’)
Greetings from Sarolta at The Lilith Zone!
How are you all faring? Hanging in there, in spite of it all?
If you’re a human on earth right now, you’re reeling from the many changes that are all around us, witnessed at every corner of the globe. We just don’t know what we’ll be waking up to every morning, which is both exhilarating … and exhausting.
We are living in historical times; astrologer Chris Brennan (@chrisbrennan7) recently tweeted on Twitter: “Make Astrology Less Literal Again.”
Yes, a more nuanced, “symbolic” astrology would be a welcome relief now!
Though 2020 was all about the breakdown of existing structures, the work in 2021 to rethink, reimagine, and rebuild will continue for our foreseeable future. Things will never go “back to normal.”
This New Moon brings us six planets in the sign of Aquarius: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn: six of the seven classical planets.
We haven’t seen a stellium in Aquarius such as this since 1962 when all seven of the classical planets were in the sign of The Water Bearer.
The historical “great conjunction” of Saturn and Jupiter on the Winter Solstice marked the end of a roughly 200-year cycle and the beginning of a new one. The house that in your natal chart that housed the conjunction is highlighted now; a door is ready to open. How do you want to welcome the possibilities?
Aquarian energy is about authenticity; futuristic, revolutionary, and reforming, Saturn and Jupiter in this sign represents rethinking current structures, making them more equitable, egalitarian, and humanitarian.
Now, we can take a deep breath and focus on embodying the changes we know we must make to live our authenticity. What rigid structures or beliefs are you ready to challenge?
This revolutionary energy is supported by a few other aspects:
Mars, the planet of war and severing, and Uranus, the planet of revolution and unexpected changes, are both in the sign of Taurus, and in a “square” aspect to all of the planets in Aquarius. The square aspect is a “call to action”, and with those two planets facing off with the Aquarian stellium, the time for change is imminent.
On the day of the new moon, however, you may feel more like retreating than jumping to action.
The moon is void of course immediately after the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon at 2.06 pm est, when energies are nebulous, dreamy, and meditative.
Instead of jumping to it, take time to journal, meditate on the themes of this lunation, and dream about what the door that is about to open looks like for you. You have a few days to dream; there’s a ritual included in your forecast to help you manifest what you come up with.
Envision the change you want to be in the world, remake it in your own image, and embody the authenticity of your true self.
The forecasts for your sign will give a clue to where the energies will tend to manifest, and how you might best channel these energies to move with the changes that are coming into being.
See what resonates with you and expand on the themes by writing down your impressions at this time.
This may very well be one of the most significant New Moon periods of the year, especially for those with significant astrological placements in the sign of Aquarius.
For planetary hours calculator, visit:
The time ahead highlights expanding your connections (11th house), and finding/attracting those with whom you resonate on a deeper level. Examine how you can best use your valuable energy and resources; are you playing it too safe? It might not be the worst investment to plan for future community-building opportunities.
Ritual: On Mercury’s day and hour (Wednesday, Feb. 24th at sunrise) create an altar for Mercury: make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with an orange candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of how you’d like to expand your circle and build your community. Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Mercury’s hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
The focus now is all about your public (10th house), and you know it’s time to reveal your ingenuity in unique and often surprising ways! Career, social standing, and public life are highlighted; this is your time, and you don’t want to play it too safe now. Take it all off.
Ritual: On Venus’ day and hour (Friday, Feb. 19th at sunrise) create an altar for Venus: make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with an emerald green candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of how you’d like to shine more authentically in the public arena, and what you’d like to attract! Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Venus’ hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
Matters that are ruled by the ninth house - higher education, philosophy, travel, spiritual learning - are highlighted by the planets in Aquarius. What do you need to do to focus on creating the expansive opportunities of this house? How can you show up more authentically, letting a new direction show itself to you?
Ritual: On Jupiter’s day and hour (Thursday, Feb. 18th at sunrise) create an altar for Jupiter: make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with a royal blue or purple candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings, asking for wisdom and insight regarding your goals. What new learning have you wanted to focus on to gain more mastery? Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Jupiter’s hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
Resources you share with others are in focus now; do you need to finance a dream that you’ve been yearning for? This may be the time to network with your community to find opportunities to seed that vision. Look for unusual opportunities from unexpected sources; what would that look like? What do you want to build with the significant connections in your life?
Ritual: On Jupiter’s day and hour (Thursday, Feb. 18th at sunrise) create an altar for Jupiter: make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with a royal blue or purple candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings, asking for inner wisdom and resolve. What openings and opportunities are you hoping to attract or make more solid? Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Jupiter’s hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
This New Moon highlights your seventh house of relationships, business partnerships, and marriage; what can bring increased communication and authenticity to partnerships or trusted relationships? Spiritual practices and creative ventures can bring a breath of fresh air to how you relate to others. What are you yearning to share or create?
Ritual: On Venus’ day and hour (Friday, Feb. 19th at sunrise) create an altar for Venus: make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with an emerald green candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of what you’d like to manifest within your most intimate partnerships, and what you’d like to attract! Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Venus’ hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
Matters that are ruled by the sixth house are highlighted by the planets in Aquarius for those with VIRGO rising. This is the house of health, daily habits, and service; what changes do you want to implement in order to honor and nurture yourself? Taking care of the basics is the key to moving you into the realm of the exceptional, nourishing the next phase of your internal and external evolution.
Ritual: On the Sun’s day and hour (Sunday, Feb. 21st at sunrise) create an altar for Sol (the Sun): make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with a yellow or gold candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of how you’d like to hone your habits and embrace your authenticity more fully! Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during the Sun’s hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
Matters that are ruled by the fifth house - the house of creativity, sex, and pleasure - are highlighted for you now. How can you add more fun in your life?
Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want - communication is key, and partnerships can be passionate. Creative endeavors can bring them to their knees and put a gleam in your eye.
Ritual: On Venus’ day and hour (Friday, Feb. 19th at sunrise) create an altar for Venus: make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with an emerald green candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of how you can add more FUN in your life, and what you’d like to attract! Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Venus’ hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
You’ve been creating changes in your home environment, making comfort and nurturance a priority, and paying special attention to your dreams and intuition. You’re ready to go deeper in your partnerships and your inner temple. Your answers are coming from deep within now; make sure you nurture that part of yourself that connects you to your flow through daily habits that strengthen your core self.
Ritual: On the Moon’s day and hour (Monday, Feb. 22nd at sunrise) create an altar for Luna (the Moon): make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with a silver or white candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of what you’d like to manifest regarding stability, comfort, and structure in your home environment, dream work, and psychic development. Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Luna’s hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
The Aquarius stellium in your third house of communication is an opening to revise your message; make time to rethink the plans you are dreaming of, and allow yourself to explore an unexpected path. What new daily practices could accelerate the fruition of your highest goals? There is something you are ready to dive into … now is the time to find that thing that will excite you enough to open the door.
Ritual: On Mercury’s day and hour (Wednesday, Feb. 24th at sunrise) create an altar for Mercury: make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with an orange candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of what new teachings and practices you want to embody relating to eloquence, communication, and learning new skills. Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Mercury’s hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
This waxing moon cycle you can focus on your values, assets, and bottom line; you may be reassessing your values, feeling ready to take some chances in order to live more deliciously. You can find ways to free up more time for essential soul building by cutting out excess, so you can make your assets go further. You may want to think about how to invest time and resources into something exciting, fun, and unconventional … it could be the most “practical” investment you can make for yourself now!
Ritual: On Venus’ day and hour (Friday, Feb. 19th at sunrise) create an altar for Venus: make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with an emerald green candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of how you can add more unconventional FUN in your life, and what you’d like to attract! Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Venus’ hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
This is the time you’ve been waiting for all of your life, Aquarius. Your dreams are vivid and close; though times are turbulent, you have faith in the process and a burning vision of how things should be. This is THE time to exemplify your highest ideals; you need a healthy body, mind, and spirit in order to channel the forces you feel animating you. You ARE the dream, so embody it fully: love yourself enough to cut ties with the outmoded, open the door for the next path, and follow your true purpose with authenticity and faith.
Ritual: On the Sun’s day and hour (Sunday, Feb. 21st at sunrise) create an altar for Sol (the Sun): make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with a yellow or gold candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of how you’d like to hone your habits and embrace your authenticity more fully! Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during the Sun’s hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
This month you can take time to turn inward, preparing for the next new moon in your sign, PISCES. With your traditional planetary ruler, Jupiter, in the 12th house of the unconscious realm, you are in communion with the deeper dimensions, as well as the needs of others. Flashes of intuition and prophetic dreams can give you the signs you need … pay special attention to your inner work this month and plant the seeds for new doors to open.
Ritual: On the Moon’s day and hour (Monday, Feb. 22nd at sunrise) create an altar for Luna (the Moon): make it as fancy or as plain as you would like, with a silver or white candle, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, and incense (representing the elements of fire, water, earth, and air). Write down your wishes and imaginings of what you’d like to manifest regarding emotional balance, intuition, dreamwork, and psychic development. Put the paper under your candle, and light it. You can burn it all the way down, or do the ritual 3 days in a row, during Luna’s hour (see planetary hours table, above), burning it all the way down on the third day.
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©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay |
All Rights Reserved.
Sarolta has been a certified astrologer, experienced tarot card reader, and ordained Priestess for over 25 years. She has read thousands of charts and has worked with hundreds of clients from around the world.
She coaches clients to articulate their life's purpose, embrace their path with confidence, clarify the essence of who they are and what they want, and help them create a plan of action to create tangible results by combining astrology, ritual, and spiritual practice.
Consultations via Zoom are recorded!