Full Moon in Capricorn: Revisioning Purpose
June 24, 2021  at 2.40 pm EDT - 03 deg 28’)


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Full Moon in Capricorn: Revisioning Purpose
June 24, 2021  (at 2.40 pm EDT - 03 deg 28’
Transmissions from The Lilith Zone: Planetary Alchemy
©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay 

Cancer season is a time of nurture. When the sun is in Cancer, we thrive when we listen to our bodies, feel our feelings, and take time for genuine heart/soul nourishment. 

I know many of us have been feeling overwhelmed, trying to do “all the things” after so many months of quarantine. My wish for you is that you can take some time to stop. Breathe. Realign.

We will never be the same after the last 16 months. Who are we now? What are we ready to let go of to lighten our load?

The Capricorn moon is motivated by achievement in the outer world. This full moon gives us an opportunity to rethink what “achievement” really means. Work smarter, not harder. 

Every full moon highlights the polarity between the sign the Sun is in, and the moon in the opposite sign. The moon literally shines a big spotlight on the polarity …  we can see clearly where we need to create balance. 

The new moon in Capricorn usually aligns with New Year’s resolutions and motivation for achievement in the coming year. When the full moon hits half a year later, it’s a great time to reassess the goals we set at that time, and ask our souls what really matters. Without nourishment, we have no fuel to chase the dream. Have we outgrown the goals we thought were so important? What actually excites us now?

The focus on real joy and growth is symbolized by Jupiter’s close aspects to this auspicious lunation. Jupiter (at 02 deg Pisces 09’), the planet that represents generosity, philosophy, growth, expansion, and joviality, is in a close sextile to the Moon and a trine to the Sun (trines and sextiles are the most helpful aspects in astrology.) 

With Jupiter retrograde, it’s also a good time to reassess your philosophy of life and rethink what really brings true JOY in life. 

There are many tough planetary aspects coming up in July, and this lunation is calling us to reassess, create balance, and let go of anything that is not in alignment with nurturing your best self. 

We need to nourish our souls and prepare for the healing journey that many of the planetary placements will be offering us in the coming months. 

So Mote It Be!

IF YOU KNOW YOUR RISING SIGN, READ THE FORECAST FOR THAT SIGN, since it is often more accurate than that of your Sun sign.

As always, these forecasts are generalized for each of the twelve rising signs; for every individual, the forecasts may be more or less favorable depending on one’s specific natal chart.

And … if you were born at night, often your moon sign forecast is more accurate than the one for your sun sign. 

Use your intuition to choose what works best for you … or do all three rituals!

If you don’t know your rising sign, you can calculate it for free here:

For planetary hours calculator, visit:

Is your work/life balance in need of realignment? Take some time to reassess your deeper needs. Nourish the body to create balance. If you’ve been contemplating a cleanse, this coming waning moon period would be a good time to consider it. Healing through physical work and embodiment. 

Take time to rethink your default philosophies, and ask yourself if you’re missing a revised manifesto in the works due to inattention. It’s time to tweak your MO. If you’ve been feeling sluggish it’s only because you haven’t refined your input. There’s something on the horizon that you can’t find unless you dig deep.

With the eclipses in your sign this year, you know there are massive changes on the horizon. Be mindful, do the inner work, and use this full moon to reassess your values, and let go of the rest. Time to look at your finances, taxes, and shared finances, and find ways to cut expenses that are draining your resources. 

Cancer season appears to represent the height of the summer season, which shows your sign’s complexity since you are ruled by the moon. However, when the sun moves into your sign, it actually heralds the start of the waning half of the year - the harvest season - so it is not as incongruous as it may at first appear.  This speaks to your changeability, where you wear your heart on your sleeve. With Jupiter in your ninth house of philosophy, you might enjoy deep meditative journeys to reconnect to where your true joy lies. Trust it.

How’s your energy? This is a good time for a cleanse, a reboot, a fast, and/or a deliberate practice focusing on changing habits to prepare for Leo season!  Go deep. Release. Feel your body. What do you need? Take a few weeks to get connected to your true needs before Leo season arrives! Meditative, emotional work combined with diet, habits, and health make for a positive combination to prepare you for your solar return.

The Capricorn full moon is a truly creative time for those with Virgo rising since it is also in the earth element and falls in your fifth house of enjoyment and creativity. Jupiter in your seventh house of partnerships and the public, and the moon in your eleventh house of friends and groups encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and get inspiration from others! Don’t miss this opportunity to fill your cup and allow it to overflow and spill out into the world around you.

You emanate a healing force to those in your sphere. Embody the nurturer to those who need it. You can feel satisfied when your domestic environment is streamlined and efficient. It’s a good time to declutter and get focused. Marie Kondo says it best … if it doesn’t “spark joy” then get rid of it. Follow your instincts to align your home to what you want to embody within your “inner temple.”

It’s time to say what you really feel in a creative way, for those with Scorpio rising. You have a higher message, and with Jupiter retrograde in your fifth house of artistry, this is the time to rethink your ideals and channel your message in order to live your philosophy as your highest art form. Daily journaling and freeform writing prompts can help you get to the heart of your desires now. 

The eclipses in your sign recently have encouraged transformation that is both radical and profound. This lunation asks you to rethink your values, both personal and shared, so you can use your energies more efficiently instead of trying to be all things to everyone. Your sign’s planetary ruler, Jupiter, is currently in your fourth house of family, home, and the “inner temple.” This is a time to rethink what really matters for your soul to find peace and true fulfillment. What matters most to you now and for your future?

Your goals and your embodiment of them matter more now than ever. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it is time to take a healthy step back and reassess where your energy is being siphoned off. Jupiter retrograde in your third house asks you to find more information and education on things that could help you take your goals to the next level. Do you need to reassess how you communicate your ideas to the world at large? Balancing your personal needs with those of significant others is a high priority now, and reassessing communication skills can be the answer. 

Mental/physical health and habits are highlighted at this full moon for those with Aquarius rising; with Jupiter retrograde in the second house of values and finances, this could be a great time to cut expenditures and reassess your income stream and budget. The next full moon will be in your sign, so this is a great time to rethink what matters most and make your health and habits a priority. Lighten your load, say no when you need to, and focus on what brings you peace and joy.

This is a truly creative time for those with Pisces rising; The Sun and Venus are in your fifth house of artistry and enjoyment, and the Moon is your 11th house of friends and hopes for the future. Please take time for the good things in life; creative energies are high, and this period is a gift in a year when astrological energies can be quite draining. Spread the joy and tune into your inner self for inspiration. 


©2021. Sarolta Gabriella DeFaltay | The Lilith Zone.com
A Note from Me to You …

Through my work, I give you shortcuts to finding the most amazing *astrologically auspicious* times to work on your wishes, dreams, and goals, in order to generate maximum impact.

I take an interdisciplinary approach to astrology and magic.

 The poetry of the astrological chart tells the story of the archetypal journey that pulls you deep within the personal myth that every soul embodies.

As a practitioner of the healing arts, I believe we are imprinted by our experiences. There are BODY practices that aid us in integrating those experiences more consciously, through re-framing the way we perceive the power that those past experiences have over us.

As a human services professional with an education in psychology and sociology, I look at the art of magical astrology as a metaphor for the journey that seekers embark upon in order to focus on personal growth and self-actualization in all areas of life.

Consultations by appointment; visit my website at
 http://TheLilithZone.com for more information!